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Time To Get Ahead

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Next-level compliance automation is here

Meet Curium Auto-detect: Curium Auto-detect scans your inbox, flags potential issues, and points you to the applicable obligation where relevant.

  • Real-time alerts: be alerted immediately to potential incidents, breaches and complaints.
  • Likelihood indicator: receive probability score of breach, helping you narrow focus and prioritise analysis and any corrective efforts.
  • Pinpointed-regulatory breaches: cut time and gain clarity on what specific obligations (laws, regulations, codes) you may have breached.
  • Seamless setup: get going within minutes; no complex onboarding required.
  • Smart scanning: monitor your email inbox in real time for potential compliance issues.
  • Industry-leading intelligence: probability score based on decades of industry experience–plus our aggregated, anonymised compliance data from tens of thousands of reported incidents, breaches and complaints.
  • Full data control: as with all Curium services, your data is yours – and you can set your own rules.
  • ‘Safety net’: even the highest functioning teams can and do miss things; don’t leave things to chance.
  • Prevent snowballing: undetected issues have a habit of worsening. Stop your ‘compliance debt’ from accruing now – and save time and hassle down the track.
  • Customer satisfaction: the majority of issues directly impact your customers. Earlier action is always better.
  • Competitive advantage: while our industry advances on many fronts, compliance largely remains in the ‘dark ages’. Leverage the best emerging technology now – and grow your capabilities as we do.